Writing your project specifications is one of the most important steps of your robotic project.
Before moving forward, there is something you need to know:
> What are the factors driving your decision ?
- Product Quality
- Safety Improvements
- Lean / Reliable material flows
- Workplace improvements
- Robot reliability
> What are your warehouse specifications?
- Types & conditions of the floor
- Warehouse dimensions (ceiling height, doors, etc.)
- Aisle width
- Indoor/outdoor use?
- Atmospheric & environmental conditions
- Safety measures
> What types of pallets / loads do you need to lift?
- Type of loads
- Load characteristics
- Material of pallets
- Pick/drop height
> What is your flow system?
- Pick/ Drop points distances
- Quantity of flows
- Quantity of loads/hour
- Type of flows
- Type of pick/drop points
> What kind of communication technology is required?
- Wireless technology
- Communication with devices ( doors, fire alarm, conveyors, ERP/WMS, etc.)
These questions will set the basis of a successful robotic project and need to be described in your specification document. It will allow you to get commercial and technical offers in line with your technical and operational requirements.